1993.Glasgow College of Building and Printing – TEMPUS scholarship
1994 ‐ 1996Ybl Miklós Polytechnic / Szent István Uni., Architectural Design Course / MSc Degree
1995 ‐ 1998Travelling School for Architects / Post-graduate Course of Kós Károly Association
1998 ‐ 2000Post-graduate Master-Course of the Association of Hungarian Architects
2012.Doctor of Liberal Arts (DLA) degree / Budapest University of Technology
1995 ‐ 1998Worked in collaboration with Tibor Jankovics, Tamás Karácsony, Ferenc Salamin, László Vincze, Dezső Ekler (Ybl Prize laureate Architects) during the course of KKA
1999 ‐ 2000Private architectural practice
2000 ‐Co-founder of the Zsuffa and Kalmár Architecture Studio ltd. (ZSK Architects)
2002 ‐Plan supervisor at the Bureau of the Chief Architect – Municipality of Budapest, District 14. (later at the 16th. and 13th. Districts as well)
2002 ‐BME Középülettervezési Tanszéken külső korrektor
2008 ‐Member of the Diploma Committee at the Budapest University of Technology – Faculty of Architecture
2008 ‐ 2012Member of the Supervisory Board of the Budapest Architect Chamber
2010 ‐Member of the Master Committee at the Architecture Design Master-Course of the Budapest University of Technology – Faculty of Architecture, Public Building Dept.
1990 ‐ 1993Ybl Miklós Polytechnic, Faculty of Architecture / BSc Degree in Arch.1993.Glasgow College of Building and Printing – TEMPUS scholarship
1994 ‐ 1996Ybl Miklós Polytechnic / Szent István Uni., Architectural Design Course / MSc Degree
1995 ‐ 1998Travelling School for Architects / Post-graduate Course of Kós Károly Association
1998 ‐ 2000Post-graduate Master-Course of the Association of Hungarian Architects
2012.Doctor of Liberal Arts (DLA) degree / Budapest University of Technology
1994.Vegyépszer Corporation, Planning office (worked as an Assistant Architect, designing industrial buildings)1995 ‐ 1998Worked in collaboration with Tibor Jankovics, Tamás Karácsony, Ferenc Salamin, László Vincze, Dezső Ekler (Ybl Prize laureate Architects) during the course of KKA
1999 ‐ 2000Private architectural practice
2000 ‐Co-founder of the Zsuffa and Kalmár Architecture Studio ltd. (ZSK Architects)
2002 ‐Plan supervisor at the Bureau of the Chief Architect – Municipality of Budapest, District 14. (later at the 16th. and 13th. Districts as well)
2002 ‐BME Középülettervezési Tanszéken külső korrektor
2008 ‐Member of the Diploma Committee at the Budapest University of Technology – Faculty of Architecture
2008 ‐ 2012Member of the Supervisory Board of the Budapest Architect Chamber
2010 ‐Member of the Master Committee at the Architecture Design Master-Course of the Budapest University of Technology – Faculty of Architecture, Public Building Dept.